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MonaLisa Touch

Doctor Name

Dr. Shabnam Sattari


  • A colposcopy is a test to take a closer look at your cervix. The cervix is the opening to your womb from your vagina.
  • A colposcopy is often done if cervical screening finds changes to your cells that are caused by certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV). These changed cells can turn into cervical cancer cells.
  • During a colposcopy a smooth, tube-shaped tool (a speculum) is gently placed into your vagina to open it. A microscope is then used to look at your cervix in greater detail. The microscope stays outside your body.
  • A small sample of cells may be taken from your cervix for testing. This is called a biopsy.


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Why it’s done

You may be offered a colposcopy after getting an abnormal results of your cervical screening (smear test) if:

  • the results of your smear test showed changes to the cells of your cervix
  • it was not possible to get a clear result after several screening tests

A colposcopy can also be used to find out the cause of other symptoms such as unusual vaginal bleeding (for example bleeding after sex).

Try not to worry if you are invited to have a colposcopy.

It’s very rare to find cervical cancer during the procedure.